EIC software

Table of Contents

Running Reconstruction (Juggler)

Note this part is not fully complete

Juggler Overview

Juggler is a Gaudi based event processing framework which uses the eicd data model.


Algorithms are implemented as C++ in the juggler repository.

Options file

The set of algorithms, their input data, and output data are assembled in so-called "options" files (typically in an options directory). These are actually python that is interpreted by the gaudirun.py program. Once compiled and install as part of juggler, the algorithms can be imported into juggler.

from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from GaudiKernel.DataObjectHandleBase import DataObjectHandleBase
from Configurables import ApplicationMgr, EICDataSvc, PodioOutput, GeoSvc
from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits as units
from Configurables import Jug__Digi__EMCalorimeterDigi as EMCalorimeterDigi
podioinput = PodioInput("PodioReader",
ecal_digi = EMCalorimeterDigi("ecal_digi",
ecal_reco = EMCalReconstruction("ecal_reco",
out = PodioOutput("out", filename=output_rec_file)
out.outputCommands = ["keep *",
"drop BarrelTrackSourceLinks",
"drop InitTrackParams",
"drop trajectories",
"drop outputSourceLinks",
"drop outputInitialTrackParameters",
"drop mcparticles"
TopAlg = [podioinput, ecal_digi, ecal_reco, out],
EvtSel = 'NONE',
EvtMax = 10,
ExtSvc = [podioevent,geo_service],

Executing Juggler

If using the container-installed juggler algorithms you can run the reconstruction with:

gaudirun.py options/demo_reco.py

When adding your own algorithm and installed into a custom location, you will need do the following:

xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv gaudirun.py options/demo_reco.py
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