Cclipp::detail::action_provider< Derived > | Mixin that provides action definition and execution |
►Cclipp::detail::action_provider< parameter > | |
Cclipp::parameter | Command line parameter that can match one or many arguments |
Cclipp::parser::arg_mapping | Arg -> parameter mapping |
Cclipp::detail::assign_value< T, V > | Assigns boolean constant to one or multiple target objects |
Cdd4pod::CalorimeterHit | |
Cdd4pod::CalorimeterHitCollectionIterator | |
Cdd4pod::CalorimeterHitData | |
►CCollectionBase | |
Cdd4pod::CalorimeterHitCollection | A Collection is identified by an ID |
Cdd4pod::Geant4ParticleCollection | A Collection is identified by an ID |
Cdd4pod::PhotoMultiplierHitCollection | A Collection is identified by an ID |
Cdd4pod::TrackerHitCollection | A Collection is identified by an ID |
Cdd4pod::ConstCalorimeterHit | |
Cdd4pod::ConstGeant4Particle | |
Cdd4pod::ConstPhotoMultiplierHit | |
Cdd4pod::ConstTrackerHit | |
Cclipp::group::depth_first_traverser::context | |
►Cdecltypecheck_has_size_getter | |
Cclipp::traits::has_size_getter< T > | |
►Cdecltypecheck_is_callable | |
Cclipp::traits::is_callable< Fn, Ret(Args...)> | |
►Cdecltypecheck_is_callable_without_arg | |
Cclipp::traits::is_callable< Fn, Ret()> | |
►Cdecltypecheck_is_input_range | |
Cclipp::traits::is_input_range< T > | |
►Cdecltypecheck_is_void_callable | |
Cclipp::traits::is_callable< Fn, void(Args...)> | |
►Cdecltypecheck_is_void_callable_without_arg | |
Cclipp::traits::is_callable< Fn, void()> | |
Cclipp::detail::decrement< T > | Decrements using operator – |
Cclipp::group::depth_first_traverser | Recursively iterates over all nodes |
Cclipp::doc_formatting | Documentation formatting options |
Cclipp::documentation | Generates parameter and group documentation from docstrings |
Cclipp::detail::flip_bool | Flips bools |
Cdd4pod::FourVector | |
CDDG4.Geant4 | |
►CGeant4GeneratorAction | |
Cnpdet::sim::EICInteractionVertexBoost | Action class to boost the primary vertex (and all outgoing particles) of a single interaction |
Cnpdet::sim::EICInteractionVertexSmear | Smear the beam to account for the IP beam divergence |
►CGeant4HitData | |
Cnpdet::PMTHit | PhotoMultiplier Hit definition |
►CGeant4OutputAction | |
Cdd4hep::sim::Geant4Output2Podio | Saves output to podio data model |
Cdd4pod::Geant4Particle | |
Cdd4pod::Geant4ParticleCollectionIterator | |
Cdd4pod::Geant4ParticleData | |
Cclipp::detail::increment< T > | Increments using operator ++ |
Cclipp::detail::increment_by< T > | Increments by a fixed amount using operator += |
Cclipp::match::integers | Predicate that returns true if the input string represents an integer (with optional digit separators) |
Cclipp::traits::is_callable< Fn, Ret > | |
Cclipp::match::length | Predicate that returns true if the length of the input string is wihtin a given interval |
Cclipp::detail::limits_clamped< T, V, bool > | Value limits clamping |
Cclipp::detail::limits_clamped< T, V, false > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< T > | Type conversion helpers |
Cclipp::detail::make< bool > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< char > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< double > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< float > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< int > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< long double > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< long int > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< long long int > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< short int > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< std::string > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< unsigned char > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< unsigned int > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< unsigned long int > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< unsigned long long int > | |
Cclipp::detail::make< unsigned short int > | |
Cclipp::man_page | Stores strings for man page sections |
Cclipp::detail::map_arg_to< T > | Makes a value from a string and assigns it to an object |
Cclipp::detail::map_arg_to< bool > | Specialization for bools: set to true regardless of string content |
Cclipp::detail::map_arg_to< std::vector< T > > | Specialization for vectors: append element |
Cclipp::detail::match_t | Result of a matching operation |
Cclipp::group::depth_first_traverser::memento | |
Cclipp::parser::missing_event | References a non-matched, required parameter |
Cdd4pod::MonteCarloContrib | |
CSomeExperiment::MyTrackerHit | This is the hit definition |
CSomeExperiment::MyTrackerSD | |
Cclipp::match::numbers | Predicate that returns the first substring match within the input string that rmeepresents a number (with at maximum one decimal point and digit separators) |
►CObjBase | |
Cdd4pod::CalorimeterHitObj | |
Cdd4pod::Geant4ParticleObj | |
Cdd4pod::PhotoMultiplierHitObj | |
Cdd4pod::TrackerHitObj | |
Cclipp::param_filter | Filter predicate for parameters and groups; Can be used to limit documentation generation to parameter subsets |
Cclipp::parser | Default command line arguments parser |
Cclipp::parsing_result | Argument -> parameter mappings and missing parameters |
Cdd4pod::PhotoMultiplierHit | |
Cdd4pod::PhotoMultiplierHitCollectionIterator | |
Cdd4pod::PhotoMultiplierHitData | |
Cnpdet::PhotoMultiplierSD | |
Cclipp::match::positive_integers | Predicate that returns true if the input string represents a non-negative integer (with optional digit separators) |
Cclipp::match::prefix | Predicate that returns true if the input string starts with a given prefix |
Cclipp::match::prefix_not | Predicate that returns true if the input string does not start with a given prefix |
Cclipp::detail::scoped_dfs_traverser | DFS traverser that keeps track of 'scopes' scope = all parameters that are either bounded by two blocking parameters on the same depth level or the beginning/end of the outermost group |
Cclipp::man_page::section | Man page section |
Cclipp::detail::select_all | |
Cclipp::detail::select_flags | |
Cclipp::detail::select_values | |
Csettings | |
Cnpdet::digi::SiDigiHitInfo | |
Cclipp::subrange | (start,size) index range |
Cclipp::match::substring | Predicate that returns true if the input string contains a given substring |
Cdd4pod::ThreeVector | |
Cclipp::detail::token< Derived > | Mixin that provides basic common settings of parameters and groups |
►Cclipp::detail::token< group > | |
Cclipp::group | Group of parameters and/or other groups; can be configured to act as a group of alternatives (exclusive match) |
►Cclipp::detail::token< parameter > | |
Cclipp::parameter | Command line parameter that can match one or many arguments |
Cdd4pod::TrackerHit | |
Cdd4pod::TrackerHitCollectionIterator | |
Cdd4pod::TrackerHitData | |
Cclipp::usage_lines | Generates usage lines |
Cbool | |