Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼Nclipp | Primary namespace |
►Ndetail | Helpers (NOT FOR DIRECT USE IN CLIENT CODE!) no interface guarantees; might be changed or removed in the future |
►Nmatch | Parameter matching functions and function classes |
►Ntraits | Type traits (NOT FOR DIRECT USE IN CLIENT CODE!) no interface guarantees; might be changed or removed in the future |
Cdoc_formatting | Documentation formatting options |
Cdocumentation | Generates parameter and group documentation from docstrings |
►Cgroup | Group of parameters and/or other groups; can be configured to act as a group of alternatives (exclusive match) |
►Cman_page | Stores strings for man page sections |
Cparam_filter | Filter predicate for parameters and groups; Can be used to limit documentation generation to parameter subsets |
Cparameter | Command line parameter that can match one or many arguments |
►Cparser | Default command line arguments parser |
Cparsing_result | Argument -> parameter mappings and missing parameters |
Csubrange | (start,size) index range |
Cusage_lines | Generates usage lines |
▼Ndd4hep | Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit |
►Nsim | Namespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit |
▼Ndd4pod | |
CCalorimeterHit | |
CCalorimeterHitCollection | A Collection is identified by an ID |
CCalorimeterHitCollectionIterator | |
CCalorimeterHitData | |
CCalorimeterHitObj | |
CConstCalorimeterHit | |
CConstGeant4Particle | |
CConstPhotoMultiplierHit | |
CConstTrackerHit | |
CFourVector | |
CGeant4Particle | |
CGeant4ParticleCollection | A Collection is identified by an ID |
CGeant4ParticleCollectionIterator | |
CGeant4ParticleData | |
CGeant4ParticleObj | |
CMonteCarloContrib | |
CPhotoMultiplierHit | |
CPhotoMultiplierHitCollection | A Collection is identified by an ID |
CPhotoMultiplierHitCollectionIterator | |
CPhotoMultiplierHitData | |
CPhotoMultiplierHitObj | |
CThreeVector | |
CTrackerHit | |
CTrackerHitCollection | A Collection is identified by an ID |
CTrackerHitCollectionIterator | |
CTrackerHitData | |
CTrackerHitObj | |
▼NDDG4 | |
CGeant4 | |
▼Nnpdet | Framework include files |
►Ndigi | |
►Nsim | |
CPhotoMultiplierSD | |
CPMTHit | PhotoMultiplier Hit definition |
▼NSomeExperiment | Framework include files |
CMyTrackerHit | This is the hit definition |
CMyTrackerSD | |
Cdecltypecheck_has_size_getter | |
Cdecltypecheck_is_callable | |
Cdecltypecheck_is_callable_without_arg | |
Cdecltypecheck_is_input_range | |
Cdecltypecheck_is_void_callable | |
Cdecltypecheck_is_void_callable_without_arg | |
CGeant4GeneratorAction | |
CGeant4HitData | |
CGeant4OutputAction | |
Csettings |