Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NclippPrimary namespace
 NdetailHelpers (NOT FOR DIRECT USE IN CLIENT CODE!) no interface guarantees; might be changed or removed in the future
 NmatchParameter matching functions and function classes
 NtraitsType traits (NOT FOR DIRECT USE IN CLIENT CODE!) no interface guarantees; might be changed or removed in the future
 Cdoc_formattingDocumentation formatting options
 CdocumentationGenerates parameter and group documentation from docstrings
 CgroupGroup of parameters and/or other groups; can be configured to act as a group of alternatives (exclusive match)
 Cman_pageStores strings for man page sections
 Cparam_filterFilter predicate for parameters and groups; Can be used to limit documentation generation to parameter subsets
 CparameterCommand line parameter that can match one or many arguments
 CparserDefault command line arguments parser
 Cparsing_resultArgument -> parameter mappings and missing parameters
 Csubrange(start,size) index range
 Cusage_linesGenerates usage lines
 Ndd4hepNamespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
 NsimNamespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
 CCalorimeterHitCollectionA Collection is identified by an ID
 CGeant4ParticleCollectionA Collection is identified by an ID
 CPhotoMultiplierHitCollectionA Collection is identified by an ID
 CTrackerHitCollectionA Collection is identified by an ID
 NnpdetFramework include files
 CPMTHitPhotoMultiplier Hit definition
 NSomeExperimentFramework include files
 CMyTrackerHitThis is the hit definition