Juggling algorithms and event processing using gaudi framework
Todo List
Member Jug::BField::DD4hepBField::getFieldGradient (const Acts::Vector3 &position, Acts::ActsMatrix< 3, 3 > &, Acts::MagneticFieldProvider::Cache &cache) const override
return derivative
Member Jug::PlotHelpers::anaHisto (TH1D *inputHist, int j, TH1F *meanHist, TH1F *widthHist)
write specialized helper class to extract details of hists
Member Jug::BField::ScalableBField::getFieldGradient (const Acts::Vector3 &, Acts::ActsMatrix< 3, 3 > &) const
return derivative
Member Jug::BField::ScalableBField::getFieldGradient (const Acts::Vector3 &, Acts::ActsMatrix< 3, 3 > &, Cache &cache) const
return derivative
Class Jug::SourceLink
Allow multiple truth hits e.g. for merged hits.
Member Jug::PlotHelpers::anaHisto (TH1D *inputHist, int j, TH1F *meanHist, TH1F *widthHist)

write specialized helper class to extract details of hists

write specialized helper class to extract details of hists

Member Jug::Reco::ConformalXYPeakProtoTracks::execute () override
make bin width an algo parameter
Member Jug::Reco::GenFitTrackFitter::execute () override
Add check for XZ segmentations to use the right local coordinates. Unlike acts, the conversion to the local system isn't going from 3D -> 2D. Thefore there is one coordinate that is zero. Which one depends on the the segmentation type XY, XZ, etc. For XY the Z-coordinate is zero. For the XZ, the Y-coordinate is zero.
Member Jug::Reco::ProtoTrackMatching::execute () override
FIXME find the best matching proto track: here we just take the first.